Comfort Measures for Labor
Learn what you can do to ease pain and stay relaxed during labor. In this class we’ll look at various techniques that you and your partner can use on your own without the help of medical staff.
Topics covered include: rebozo, TENS, breathing techniques, massage, and visualization techniques.
You’ll not only learn about various tools to help keep you calm and focused during labor, but will get your own deck of cards with many more tips and ideas that can help you during labor.
Pricing: CHF 135.- per couple. This class is intended for pregnant women with their support person (i.e. please bring your partner/sister/friend).

Dates & Registration

My husband and I recently took her class on Comfort Measures for Labor and we totally recommend it! We found it super useful and Christine is really motivated and knowledgeable 🙂 Thanks a lot LilyBee!
– Francesca R.
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