LilyBee Shop

Advertising Package: Stork Booklet & Online Directory

CHF48.00 every 6 months

Do you offer goods or services to English-speaking pregnant/new parents in Switzerland? Upload your business information in our database and get an immediate listing in our online directory, plus a listing in our printed “Stork Booklet”, updated and printed twice a year and distributed to all pregnant and new parents in our network.

We accept:
Category: Tag:


Do you offer a product or service to pregnant and new moms? How would you like to get your business details directly into their hands?

Maybe you’ve seen the mom and baby boxes from LetsFamily with free samples, coupons and flyers for parents-to-be. I checked how to get included in this box, and whoa is it expensive! It may be fine for the big companies, but what about smaller, local businesses? Would you be interested in a super affordable way to get your details out there to new parents-to-be?

Introducing LilyBee’s Stork Box & Stork Booklet

We’re planning a booklet to bring helpful information about products and services for pregnant and new parents. We’d love to include YOUR business details inside! You can include a short description, photo, and optionally a discount code. If you’d like to include a free product sample as well, you can send these to me—we’ll package them with the booklets and make it a box! The booklet will include other valuable information (hospital packing lists, pregnancy to-do lists, etc) in the hopes that it is a resource that is kept and continually referred to.

We’re confident we can distribute the booklets/boxes to 100 pregnant couples every 6 months. In the future, we expect this number to grow as we gain permission to leave the booklets in other public places such as doctor’s offices, midwive praxis, hospitals, GZs, etc.

In addition to the printed booklets, we’ll post your information and links in an online directory which is available to anyone browsing our website (and which is referenced in our email newsletters).

This comprehensive advertising package is yours for only 48.- CHF / 6 months!

The LilyBee Stock Box/Booklet advertising package is right for you if you:

  • offer a product or service that would be useful to new (English-speaking) parents
  • ship or offer your services in Canton Zurich (or available online)

The Stork Booklet includes:

  • your business name
  • a subtitle describing your product or service
  • a short description (220-characters)
  • up to two product/service photos
  • your website address
  • your Instagram handle

The Online Directory includes:

  • same as above
  • business logo
  • physical address if applicable
  • links to your website and social media pages (Instagram, Facebook, Youtube, LinkedIn, Pinterest)

How to participate?

  • Click “Sign up now” above.
  • After payment you’ll receive the link to upload your business details which will be immediately published in the online directory. You can freely edit your entry though your website account.
  • All entries in the online directory as of July 15 will be included in the summer printing of the Stork Booklet.
  • All entries in the online directory as of January 15 will be included in the winter printing of the Stork Booklet.
  • Your subscription renews automatically every 6 months. You may cancel the subscription at any time and your listing will remain visible until the end of the 6 months you paid for (unless you request that it is removed immediately).
  • Let us know if you wish to provide 100 product samples to be distributed with the booklets. We will still print and distribute the booklets even if there is not enough interest to make a box.


Just reach out!